Friday, 3 March 2017


This video is a idea to work listening althought you can work speaking too.

The aime is that children listening the video and later we can ask about this. What is the problem? What are the character?...

But we can make a interesting exercise with other pupils. For example, The older child can make a video or thatre and later we show it to other classes.

This video is a example. I have to thank to my friendrs because they have helped me to make it.

The princess and big

Thursday, 2 March 2017


To this activity I use the Hot Potatoes too.
Here the vocabulary is about sports.

In this activity pupils have to read different sentences and choose a correct answer.
In this link you can download


Matching exercise

Match the items on the right to the items on the left.
You need a basket
You use a racket
You ride on a bike
To walk faster
You wear wheels in your foots
You use a animal like mean of transport

Rooms of houses

For this activity, I used HotPotatoes to make of materials.

It's an easy application where you make a funny exercise.

For example, I make this to work a vocabulary about rooms of house. They can read some definitions and choose what room to write.

In the next link you can watch it:



Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
    5    6        


For this, I offer two activities too.

The first:

There are different pieces. The teacher takes one piece and says its name. Each pupil has a table with some images and words. He/she has completed the table, for example if he/she has a word, she/he makes a drawing or if she/he has an image he/she writes the word. If someone doesn’t know how to write some word, he/she can wait until the teacher takes this piece and copy it. When the teacher names the image or word that he/she has, she/he must cross it out. The winner will be who first finishes crossing out words. 

The second:

It's the same than before although the teacher doesn't say words, If not, he tells a story and children have to listen to words.

I think that this activity is for children of 7-8 years old. Third-four course of EPO. Although these activities can be adapted to other levels.

Here can find a word with the example:

Cards of vocabulary

This resource has to a lot of activities.
You can do material with words. 
If you want to work vocabulary, they can play to connect words with images.
If you want to work conversation, or sentences they can make sentences with the images.

And my favourite exercise is when they are in couples and each other have different cards. The aim is that they use questions and answers, for example... Do you like sandwich? what is you favourite sport? 
In this case, they practice speaking, listening, vocabulary and grammar. I think that it is a complete exercise.

In this link, you find a word document with a card.

Who is the master team?

The first activity is a Quizz.
Pupils can work all skills.
The app used to be prezzi, it is similar to Power Point but younger children like it more.

Pupils are in groups of 4 o 5 people. Each group has two tablets where they will look for the information during the game. When a group says a correct answer it chooses other question…when this fails, other group can answer the same question and win half the points. They can choose topic and level (points) but each group has to do correctly 3 answers of 10 points, 2 answers of 20 points, and 1 answer of 30 points. The winner will be the group who first answers correctly the six questions.

You can see in this video the result off application:


Hi everybody!

This is my small blog.
Here I will share with you my ideas and materials that I find interesting to practice English in class.

If you have ideas, you can write here and we discover new ideas and blogs too.